Grzegorzewski, Grzegorzewska — from district Rypin
from the first name Grzegorz = Gregory (from gregoriós in Greek = zealous, waking)
[source: Kazimierz Rymut — Nazwiska Polaków, Publ. Ossolineum 1991]
It’s quite common name. In 1990’s there were 4254 people named Grzegorzewski in Poland.
[source: Najpopularniejsze nazwiska w Polsce (20,000 most popular names in Poland in 1990’s]
Statistic Map

[Source: These maps were created about 1997 on page]
1928 men and 2243 women = 4171 persons with the name Grzegorzewski (-ska) lived in Poland.
About 100 years ago ancestors of Teodozja Depkowska born Grzegorzewska lived here: