On this page we search genealogical branches of persons with the surnames and from the places:

Relatives in this tree lived in central part of Poland
Relatives in this tree lived in central part of Poland

Nota bene: in Polish suffix -ski is applied to men’s names, and suffix -ska to women’s names.

Variances of the names

In old Polish lands it was quite easy to change the name: in middle centuries people used only first name, only rich and nobiles used surnames. The use of family names spread to other social groups: the townsfolk by the end of the 17th century, then the peasantry, and finally the Jews.

Sometimes man took his wife’s name after marriage. Other time the name concerned to the place the man lived was changes with his moving to other place.

The process ended only in the mid-19th century.

There are about 400,000 surnames in Poland now — rare names and popular ones.
For every name in the list above you can find the map of frequency and see, where they live in Poland. I added an etymology of the names too.