It was in 1913

Notary document

1913-06-30, NYC, notary office – Władysław and Teodor Depkowski were signing a plenipotentiary (full power) given for Władysław’s wife, Teodosia b. Grzegorzewska. Brothers resided in Lipno city, but temporary lived in North-American United States. They let Teodosia to sell all the possesions in Lipno they owned after death of their father Roman. Władysław gave also the ful power to Teodosia to sell all the possesions after her parents in Obory

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Russian notary in NYC, 1913-06-30
1913-06-30, NYC, notary – seal of an authorisation of brothers Depkowski (last page of the document).

1913-06-30, NYC, Russian Consul

1913-06-30, NYC, consulate – seal of an authorisation of brothers and notary signatures (last page of the document).

1913-07-23, Warsaw, Governor
1913-07-23, Warszawa, the office of the Governor General – seal of an authorisation of the document of NY consulate seal (signed by Wieniawski, called here ‘Secret Counselor’).

Part of the document – notary J. Mańkowski (from Lipno)

1913-11-30, Lipno, notary – a new seal on the document – made by a notary from Lipno (in fact the last seal was stamped on the top of first page).

Another notary document

1913-11-30, Lipno, notary – all the possesion in Lipno was sold by Depkowski’s family to Ludwik Bartel

A part of the document from 1923-06-12, Lipno – notary J. Mańkowski

I haven’t a document of the sale Depkowski’s heritage from 1913. But I have the document telling about it – in 1923 the new owner of Depkowski’s estate, Mr Bartel sold it to his daughter. There is a part in Polish:

…Ludwik Bartel oświadczył, że on wszystkie [prawa] nabyte przez niego od Władysława i Teodora braci Depkowskich za sumę rubli trzysta, na mocy aktu sporządzonego przed działającym Notariuszem w dniu trzydziestym listopada tysiąc dziewięćset trzynastego roku za Nr 1611, a otrzymane przez tych ostatnich wskutek śmierci ojca ich Romana Depkowskiego vel Deptowicza, prawa do połowy nieruchomości na przedmieściu miasta Lipna pod Nr 230/275 oznaczonej w dokumentach asekuracyjnych pod Nr 258a, składającej się z połowy domu, podwórza, ogrodu, łąki, płotów i zabudowań podwórzowych od strony miasta Lipna, słowem wszystko, co nabył i posiada bez żadnego wyłączenia, aktem niniejszym odstępuje córce Elżbiecie Grończewskiej za dobrowolnie umówioną sumę milion (1,000,000) marek polskich, którą otrzymał od tejże nabywczyni gotówką…

My translation:

… Ludwik Bartel declared that he had all the [rights] he had bought from Władysław and Teodor brother Depkowskis for the sum of three hundred rubles, by force of an act drawn up before the notary on November 30, 1913, No. 1611, and received by them as a result of death the father of their, Roman Depkowski vel Deptowicz, the right to half of the real estate in the suburbs of Lipno under No. 230/275 marked in the insurance documents under No. 258a, consisting of half of the house, yard, garden, meadow, fences and courtyard buildings from side of the Lipno city, in a word everything he has acquired and holds without any exclusion, he hereby renounces to her daughter Elżbieta Grończewska for a voluntarily agreed sum of one million (1,000,000) Polish marks, which she received from that buyer in cash …

Last step of their emmigration

1913-12-10, Lipno-NYC – Teodozja (48y) on the ship “Cassel” travelled from Brema (German port) to NYC, to her husband Władysław (53y) in Brooklyn.

Teodosia on the passenger list, travel from Bremen to NYC
1913-12-26 cabin Nr 2

It’s amazing we can know the names of her felow-travellers in cabin nr 2!


I would like to thank Ms Dorota Kostecka for help in searching in Włocławek Archive – she found notary documents for us! We met in the Facebook Group Stare Stare zdjęcia Lipna i okolic.

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